Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Free flow a go go

Well it had to happen, my "Aging" body couldn't keep up with my still very youthful mind. 37 hours of training over 9 days and my hip seems to have given up the ghost. Semi disaster, but hey, hopefully the physio tomorrow will have a cure and I'll be back in the gym in no time at all.

However every cloud...... Subsequently I spent the afternoon by the pool and what a perfect pool it is here at the Happy Elephant, made all the more perfect by the delightful Singaporean girl who happened to be sun bathing there. However, silver lining brings with it the temptations that I have been trying to avoid, yes, within minutes she'd discovered my weak spot.... No, it wasn't her beautiful eyes, her rather perfect figure, nor her ample bosom (Have I just said "Ample bosom", what a knob end)..... No she started talking about Free flow Champagne Brunches and the fact that she knows of one on a Sunday here in Rawai at the Royal Yacht Club on Nai Harn Beach...... I'd immediately forgotten that I was trying to have a month abstinence and almost suggested that we raid her fridge of the Champagne that was in it and then head down to the Yacht Club immediately.... I'd totally forgotten that it's only Tuesday! Needless to say I think the fact that I then started to talk about my love of wine for the next hour may have slightly worried her, especially when another couple arrived (British) and they joined in, we couldn't stop. In fact I cannot stop thinking about it now, I just want WINE!!!!

So..... there we are, I get a slightly sore leg and all that I want to do is run off and drink wine til kingdom come..... God, I really do need to to see someone about this, preferably the owner of the nearest wine shop.

God help me if I am unable to get back into training very soon as I have seven weeks left in a country where it is a pound for a bottle of beer.....

1 comment:

  1. Certainly giving me a laugh or two!
    Keep up the hard work and more grappling!
